Watches, bags, wallets, card cases, belts, small leather goods, as well as silk scarfs and other accessories.
Please note that there are some items we cannot accept regarding to brands and other conditions.
You can send pictures to our What’s app account (90883472) to ensure that your items are available to sell to Komehyo.
We quote the price regarding to international market price.
We are Japanese company who have business partner around the world such as Hong Kong, China, United States,
Malaysia and Thailand .
As we doing business in Singapore, we also consider Singapore market price as reference to set the purchasing price.
Generally, we offer higher price to which brand that are world-favorite and high popularity.
In terms of bags and leather goods, Louis Vuitton, Hermès and Chanel will get higher price when sold.
For watches, definitely, Rolex and other popular brands will get the higher offers.
We regret to inform that there is no return policy for the item you have sold to us under any circumstances.
Approximately 5 to 10 minutes for 1 items. Please note that some cases might take longer than 10 minutes.
On your appointment date, please bring your items along with your ID (NRIF,FIN,PASSPORT) to KOMEHYO office. Payment is bank transfer only *Need to be the same person who signed on Buying Statement.
Please send the pictures of your items to our What’s app account (90883472) Our expert will quote the price and send back to
you. Please note that this price estimation is based on the pictures you provide to us. Our purchase price may vary from the estimation
depend on the condition of item and market price at that time.